{# /** * @file * Theme override for the modules listing page. * * Displays a list of all packages in a project. * * Available variables: * - modules: Contains multiple module instances. Each module contains: * - attributes: Attributes on the row. * - checkbox: A checkbox for enabling the module. * - name: The human-readable name of the module. * - id: A unique identifier for interacting with the details element. * - enable_id: A unique identifier for interacting with the checkbox element. * - description: The description of the module. * - machine_name: The module's machine name. * - version: Information about the module version. * - requires: A list of modules that this module requires. * - required_by: A list of modules that require this module. * - links: A list of administration links provided by the module. * * @see template_preprocess_system_modules_details() */ #}
{{ 'Installed'|t }} | {{ 'Name'|t }} | {{ 'Description'|t }} |
{{ module.checkbox }} |
{{ module.description }}{{ 'Machine name: @machine-name'|t({'@machine-name': module.machine_name}) }}
{% if module.version %}
{{ 'Version: @module-version'|t({'@module-version': module.version}) }}
{% endif %}
{% if module.requires %}
{{ 'Requires: @module-list'|t({'@module-list': module.requires}) }}
{% endif %}
{% if module.required_by %}
{{ 'Required by: @module-list'|t({'@module-list': module.required_by}) }}
{% endif %}
{% for link_type in ['help', 'permissions', 'configure'] %}
{{ module.links[link_type] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}